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An impulsive, sometimes bullying personality - fearful, obsessive and hurting. Yet another film where they feel the audience is too stupid to have any knowledge of the subject, so must dumb it all down into patronising pap. Hence it's more convenient to serve us this pap and pass it off as 'historical'.
As much as I admire Brian Cox I think his portrayal as Hannibal Lecter is almost as good as Tony Hopkins... RU не содержит никакой нелегальной информации. Slattery simply did not have the gravitas to carry the role ofEisenhower. Allied Forces stand on the brink: a massive army is secretly assembled on the south coast of Britain, poised to re-take Nazi-occupied Europe. Henceit's more convenient to serve us this pap and pass it off as'historical'. Besides thecringe-worthy buffoon angle, the music was simply overbearing and notneeded in half the scenes. Мы каждый день пытаемся улучшить наш игровой торрент трекер ,спасибо вам за то,что заходите к нам и качаете игры, фильмы и общаетесь с нами. Far from being out-of-touch and stuck in ideas held in the previous war, as falsely portrayed in the film, he was a very strong advocate of modern, technical solutions to the problems of the defeat of Germany. But Cox delivers and many of the actors in hisscenes simply wither. The listing of onscreen Churchills is lengthy, distinguished... Historically I can't say it's accurate thatChurchill didn't want to open a second front against the Germans, andso to base an entire film around that seems like madness. It would be carried out by 29 divisions, including a Free French division, if possible.
One man stands in their way: Winston Churchill. But with Cox so great, it is a surprise Churchill is not being held back until awards season. Jonathan Teplitzky's movie doesn't subscribe to this opinion. Obsessed with fulfilling historical greatness: his destiny.
Churchill torrent - Hence it's more convenient to serve us this pap and pass it off as 'historical'. Slattery simply did not have the gravitas to carry the role ofEisenhower.
Synopsis 96 hours before the World War II invasion of Normandy, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill struggles with his severe reservations with Operation Overlord and his increasingly marginalized role in the war effort. Allied Forces stand on the brink: a massive army is secretly assembled on the south coast of Britain, poised to re-take Nazi-occupied Europe. One man stands in their way: Winston Churchill. Behind the iconic figure and rousing speeches: a man who has faced political ridicule, military failure and a speech impediment. An impulsive, sometimes bullying personality - fearful, obsessive and hurting. Fearful of repeating, on his disastrous command, the mass slaughter of 1915, when hundreds of thousands of young men were cut down on the beaches of Gallipoli. Obsessed with fulfilling historical greatness: his destiny. Exhausted by years of war and plagued by depression, Churchill is a shadow of the hero who has resisted Hitler's Blitzkrieg. Should the D-Day landings fail, he is terrified he'll be remembered as an architect of carnage. Political opponents sharpen their knives. General Eisenhower and Field Marshal Montgomery are increasingly frustrated by Churchill's attempts to stop... Someplus points for the photography, though it's overemphasised to obscurethe small budget, from which you'd get change from a box of popcorn andcarton of cola from the Odeon kiosk. When Monty addresses his menbefore sailing for Normandy, they seem to number only 15. Chartwell Churchill's home seems to consist of two box rooms, albeit nicelyshot. This is the sort of film that makes one wish the Germans had won thewar, it's that bad. Historically I can't say it's accurate thatChurchill didn't want to open a second front against the Germans, andso to base an entire film around that seems like madness. On top ofthis, he is portrayed as a senile, out-of-touch buffoon who is only fitfor a nursing home, who turns up three days before D-day with analternative invasion plan for Eisenhower. Who laments the imminent lossof life - this would be the same Churchill who led failed alliedattempts in Norway, Crete, Dieppe, yet you'd imagine from this that theNormandy landings was the first military initiative. Characterisation is broad, dialogue is asinine. I don't carry a torch for Churchill, like many great men he had flaws,but this is at such variance with the truth it's basically pornography,except unlike pornography I can't imagine how it could appeal toanyone. Not happy with insulting us already, they then take historical factsand rewrite them totally for no other reason than they can. Churchill was one of the greatest, complex and most flawed charactersof recent history. Instead of going with truth and therefore being much much moreinteresting they went for a Hollywood horrible caricature full oferrors and downright lies. I'm not surprised the writer has no other credits shown on IMDb. Insulting to a great man, who we were privileged forhim to give 'the lions roar' for us, in the face of evil. People watch films like this and others e. They leave the theatrefeeling they have learned something, instead it varies from grossdistortion of the truth to out and out lie. The irony is, the true story is so much more interesting. But it meansthe writers would have to put a lot of work in portraying it. Henceit's more convenient to serve us this pap and pass it off as'historical'. At the end of the film after the creditsyou see some weaselly disclaimer about how the movie, although based onreal people, may or may not have presented events as they reallyhappened. And so this movie marches on with its hit-piece agenda and the writershould be ashamed to marginalize such a noted figure with such aself-indulgent point of view. Did the writer teleport back in time andhover like Patrick Swayze in a room? Scene after scene shows Churchillas an anxious, alcoholic insecure man with no counterpoints to show himin a leadership role. I'm all for a certain angle for movies andpolitical news shows, but this went too far and came off as anover-reach and simply an ego trip for a script. Historical accuracy aside, the movie fails in other ways. Besides thecringe-worthy buffoon angle, the music was simply overbearing and notneeded in half the scenes. I wish I had brought some noise-cancelingheadphones to the movie theater. Scene after scene I was praying forjust the dialogue to speak for itself without the watery musicalunderbed to drive it. Scene after scene I was praying for silence. It'sas if the music was in love with itself. Well some of us weren't. John Slattery, who was excellent in Mad Men, was a total miscast. Slattery simply did not have the gravitas to carry the role ofEisenhower. The movie's only saving grace was Brian Cox, answering the misguidedcasting call for a needy, spiraling performance of Churchill. He runsaway with the role, although an unfair role at that. How much moreserving and evergreen it would have been if the character given to himwas not so one-sided. But Cox delivers and many of the actors in hisscenes simply wither. This would be the time for a well-deserved Oscarnomination for Cox, so blistering was his distressed portrayal ofChurchill. Two other actors to hold their own in the movie was MirandaRichardson, who played her role with stoic and steely grace, and theactor who played Smuts, an understated yet praiseworthy performance. All in all if you care about history, and understand that leaders haveboth greatness and weakness in decision-making, this movie did notflesh out those layers. Instead it comes off slamming the persona of ahistoric figure.